Feather, Rose & Calla lily bouquet with bling!

Feather, Rose & Calla lily bouquet with bling!
White roses, calla lilies and feather Bouquet with a Bling wrapped handle.

Rose Bouquet with Bling wrapped handle

Rose Bouquet with Bling wrapped handle
2 dozen Ivory Rosees with Bling wrapped handle

White Rose and Calla Lily Bouqet with bling

White Rose and Calla Lily Bouqet with bling
Silk white roses, white calla lilies, clear crystals to give it the "bling", rhinestone bouquet pin

Calla Lily & Orchid bouquet

Calla Lily & Orchid bouquet
Ivory & Purple callas with ivory orchids "real touch" flowers (for beach wedding)

Eggplant Calla Lily Bouquet

Eggplant Calla Lily Bouquet
Purple Calla Lily bouquet made with "real touch" flowers

Tiger Lily Cascading bouquet

Tiger Lily Cascading bouquet
Great Fall bouquet!

Bridesmaids Bouquets

Bridesmaids Bouquets
Purple and ivory callas, ivory orchids (bridesmaids)

Tiger Lily Cascade Bouquet

Tiger Lily Cascade Bouquet
Tiger Lily Cascading bouquet made with silk tiger lilies

Orange calla lily bouquet

Orange calla lily bouquet
Made with real touch Orange Calla Lilies

Eggplant calla lily bridal bouquet

Eggplant calla lily bridal bouquet
One dozen eggplant callas with ivory orchids, ivory satin wrapped stem. (measures 16" tall, 16" diameter)

Mother's Corsage

Mother's Corsage
White calla lily and wisteria corsage with pearls and bling

Calla Lily/Wisteria cascading bouquet

Calla Lily/Wisteria cascading bouquet
Cascading bouquet with calla lilies and wisteria (available in many colors)

Classic white w/green accent

Classic white w/green accent
A dozen white calla lilies with 3 green accent callas


Purple calla lily boutonniere with ivory orchid

Orange tiger lily boutonniere

Orange tiger lily boutonniere
Tiger lily boutonniere/corsage

Tiger lily bouquet (6 large blooms)

Tiger lily bouquet (6 large blooms)
Tiger lily bridesmaid bouquet made with silk lilies

Mother bouquet-White tiger lily

Mother bouquet-White tiger lily
Silk Tiger Lily Bouquet (4 large blooms)

White tiger lily corsage

White tiger lily corsage
Silk Tiger Lily Corsage

Classic Calla Lily bouquet

Classic Calla Lily bouquet
Classic white calla lilies w/satin ribbon wrapped stem w/pearl accent pins. Made with real touch flowers

Longstem Callas (bridesmaid)

Longstem Callas (bridesmaid)
Combination of lime green and white long stem calla lilies 4 Bridesmaids

Mother's Calla Lily Corsage

Mother's Calla Lily Corsage
White calla lily corsage w/bling